Wednesday, July 16, 2014

News from Oklahoma City

Hello from Oklahoma City!  Coltrane was done with his surgery within 20 minutes.  It went super fast.  We are very thankful.  It went well.  The line went into a vein in his pelvis which wasn't the best option, but had to be done.  He is loving his cuddle time with mommy.  We might even get to go to Tulsa tonight!  We have been set up in a GREAT hotel/lodge for free thanks to the generous donors who made The Kids Korral possible.  What a beautiful place we have to stay; very comfortable.  Jackson is loving the new scenery/playgrounds and is doing very well.  Please pray for continued peace for our family, Coltrane's healing, for them to get a phenomenal harvest, and for us to be able to go to Tulsa ASAP.  Thanks so much for your prayers!

and Coltrane the Jocund

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