We are so very excited to announce that we will be coming home today! We technically could have come home Friday, but we would've had to come back on Tuesday to check Coltrane's levels. Coltrane is doing so great. He's getting a nightly feeding through his G-tube, and is gradually working his way up with regular solids. He is getting better every day. He is negative for having a virus which surprised the doctors. As soon as we got back to the Korral on Tuesday, Coltrane was already trying his hardest to keep up with Jackson. He is building his strength and stamina levels. We are so grateful for the time we have had as a family unit this past week. What a difference! God is to be praised for this awesome bonding time. It's nice to have our own, beautiful apartment too! If you haven't seen it, please check out the Kids Korral's website. It is stunning. Here is the link to see some beautiful photos of it.
We thank each and every one of you who are thinking of us, praying for us, and interceding to our Father on our behalf. God is faithful and He has heard your prayers! It's been a really rough time with everything going on, but we have had some great support, encouragement, inspiration, and a very new understanding (that's always growing) of who God is, how He works, and how to completely trust Him (which we are always striving to do every day, because it's so hard sometimes). Our faith has grown, taken steps back, and grown some more, in many different ways. We are so ever changing, which is tiresome! God is our constant. And He is our rock and our foundation. I'm glad that He does not waver as we humans tend to do oh so very often. Please pray for Coltrane to be completely healed, to eat well and keep getting stronger, for us to trust God with every bit of strength in us, and for the upcoming treatments that Coltrane will be going through (Radiation and Immunotherapy).
Hopefully, we will see you all soon! We love you.
Please also pray for Shane and his family. Shane's mother Misshay, had to sign the DNR papers today. They are trying to keep him comfortable and are ceasing to treat his cancer. And please also pray that God will protect Sonja and I from the negative thoughts that creep in because of this situation. Thank you dear friends.
and Coltrane the Strong!