Monday, January 5, 2015

Day 13

Dear Friends,

Today we are on Day +13 after transplant.  Coltrane is really starting to turn a corner and we are all so pleased.  Coltrane's fever has been gone for a few days now.  He still tested positive for the rhinoenterovirus (common cold) but the doctors say that could stick around for awhile as viruses sometimes do.  Coltrane's AGC (neutrophil calculation) is now above 800 so he is no longer considered neutropenic.  This puts Coltrane at a lower risk for infections.  His White Blood Count is starting to come up as well.  Coltrane is at the point that his bone marrow is starting to make its own cells again, and that's great news!  Such great news that the doctor even mentioned the "H" word today without me even bringing it up.  He said we could be home as early as next week if things go well!  I was totally shocked to hear that is already in our near future.  Our next steps for Coltrane are to wean him off his Fentanyl (pain med) drip and get him interested in food again.  They have been slowly increasing his nightly feeds through his g-tube and he has been handling that well so far.  Hopefully, in the future the g-tube feeds will just be a supplement to his eating by mouth during the day.  We are astounded at the blessings that God is pouring out on us.  We are seeing Coltrane's health return and we give thanks to God.  We are eternally grateful for all of you that so consistently pray for our family.  After this experience, I have really learned the importance of praying for others.  It is a humbling thought to know that others are praying for you in those moments that it just seems too hard to pray.  God is using you to teach us.  We have so much love for you.

Please pray for:
Coltrane's increased appetite and desire to eat.
Coltrane's nightly g-tube feeds to go well.
Coltrane to tolerate coming off the pain meds.
Coltrane's vicious cough.

Thank you,

and Coltrane


  1. Hallelujah!!! Continuing to pray for your family!

  2. Praise the Lord for this good report! =) May Jehovah Rapha continue the healing process!

  3. Beautiful post! Praying for Coltrane and your beautiful family. Thanks to Elaine McVay for sharing.

  4. Great news! Still praying for you all.
