Monday, June 8, 2015

Great News!

Hey people friends,

We went to see the Oncologist and his PA today and they reported that the MIBG scan showed NO tumors in his leg.  What a great answer to prayer.  They did mention that Coltrane was quite wiggly and that there was an area of interest in his left adrenal gland (the only one he has left).  They said it naturally lights up as well as the stomach.  They're not very concerned but are being very good at their jobs, thank God.  They said that it would be not unheard of but very rare that the cancer on his leg went away, but then new cancer would spring up in a different spot.  The odds are good that it's not Neuroblastoma.  So, not perfect news, but I would say 95% good news.  We'll take it.  They also said he can go to Boston and we can scare the passengers with our masks if we wish.  The board (Radiation Oncologists, Oncologists, Hemotologists, etc.), meets on Wednesdays about their cases.  They will discuss whether or not Coltrane needs another scan, with possible sedation. 

Thank you all for praying for us.  It's been a hard and fun weekend.  There is praise to give to our Father who loves us so.

Please pray for:
Coltrane to not have any cancer in his body and never will again
Our trip to go extremely well and have fun
Peace in our family
Us to trust God again and again and again, and always.

Please praise God with us for:
Healing Coltrane's leg
Coltrane's muscles and endurance he's slowly getting back
Yet another chance to trust Him and His plan and not our own.

and Coltrane the Healed!

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