Sunday, November 22, 2015

Prayers Needed

Hello friends and family,

     First, a letter to Depression from Hope.

Dear Depression,

     I am hope.  We've met before, many times in fact.  Even if for brief moments, for when we meet, you leave.  I am your friend.  I wanted you to know my love for you dear Depression.  I know you are in perilous spiritual warfare.  I understand, but not completely.  For you are bound by the Fall.  If only I could help you, I would my friend.  You are loved by me and all I represent.  I hope, for that is my name after all, that you will be free.  Someday you will.  I know you are trapped and bound for the moment.  The time of redemption is near.  Please take my letter in and remember it.  Repeat it over and over when you are desperate.  I have to be honest with you, for I love you dear Depression.  You try not of your own accord of course, to defeat me.  However, I am undefeated.  I will rise as my Master calls me, to redeem the effects you place on the called and uncalled alike.  It is my nature to destroy you.  My love is strong for you, but you will change eventually.  Take heart Depression, the Light is coming.


     Sonja and I were very depressed for four days straight.  Depression leaking into us like chemotherapy.  We received news that Coltrane due to his sleeping more and more, that he is in decline.  What news, what news.  No words.  However, a few of my Professors came by and that was the catalyst to our journey to hope in the Lord.  Sandra, Sonja's mother was randomly picked up by her walking friend.  She asked Sandra to walk with her on the JBU track, which she never does.  While walking the track, they literally ran into a Mexican man named Juan.  Sandra's friend knew him.  Juan heard about Coltrane and said to Sandra pointing to his head, "Don't think here.  You are going to hear bad news.  Don't listen here (head).  Believe here (pointing to his heart)."  He was very passionate and intense.  He kept speaking with Sandra about this, over and over.  Before she went walking I told my mom the bad news.  As soon as Sandra left, my mom called her about the bad news!  This was the news that Juan was talking about, that Coltrane was in declination.  Juan brought up Hezekiah and told us to do what he did.  He laid the letter of the Assyrian king before the Lord and gave it to Him.  Juan instructed us to lay before God anything physically tangible associated with Coltrane's diagnosis.  Sonja and I gathered many people to pray for us, 12-14 people.  They came over and we set the latest MRI scan that showed all the tumors, the Do Not Resuscitate paper I had to sign with tears streaming from my eyes,  and also the gigantic binder full of notes, papers, and documents that the doctors and Sonja and I put together throughout these last couple of years (almost 2 years ago!).  We laid them in the middle of the circle of people before the Lord our God.  We all prayed.  We prayed for generational curses to be lifted.  We asked for forgiveness of our sins.  We prayed that we would trust in God, and prayed for a complete miracle  We anointed him with water and oil from the Holy Land, Jerusalem.  The prayers were powerful, and I strained to pray, shaking.  I told God that I was angry that I was forced to watch my son suffer, and that He couldn't.  I am angry that I have to suffer as Coltrane's Dad, watching him with a deep sadness.  But I realized "Who am I?", as Job discovered.  Who am I?  I am a sinful man.  I am not Holy, but God is.  He couldn't watch His only son suffer.  He couldn't because the sins of the world were upon Jesus' shoulders.  Again, I am not holy.  I have but a little taste of what God the Father went through.  This is I believe, is a special gift from God, to be able to experience what God has, in a human way.  God must've been so sad to see His son betrayed, mocked, marred beyond human recognition (Yes, he didn't look like a human on the cross.  Our modern paintings and drawings, even film has not yet created what Jesus looked like while on the cross).  God must've watched, until He wasn't able to.  I imagine Him being crushed, turning his back on His son while he died.  I could never do that, for I am unholy.  It's a gift that I get to be there and help my son.  Then again, I imagine God loving what Jesus was doing.  God's plan was being fulfilled, as always.  He was pleased with Jesus and His sacrifice and resurrected Him after three days.  What a great testimony, a cornerstone to our faith in the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.   We are believing in a full on miracle, regardless of what the mind says.  We believe in our hearts that God will heal Coltrane.  This is our focus.  Our job as parents is to fully and truly represent Christ in every situation, striving to maintain patience in our trials, and having humility through it all.  People say we have great faith.  I don't know.  I know if they think that, it is only caused by the Holy Spirit giving us the faith and strength we need to press on.  I cannot and will not take credit.  It's been a long road, but more is to come.  We might not know what, but does it matter?  No.  Our God is leading us somewhere, and that place is a good place.  We love you all so much!

Please pray for:
Coltrane to be completely healed
His body to function like there's no cancer
His bone marrow to produce plenty of good blood cells
His oxygen saturation levels to go up
Sonja and I, Jackson and Coltrane to see visions and dreams of Jesus and have peace 

We are thankful for:
Coltrane's bruising getting better (not supposed to happen)
Coltrane's bed sores disappearing (not supposed to happen)
Coltrane to move his legs and toes, even if it's just a little bit.  Hey, I'll take 1/8 inch movements anyday (not supposed to happen)
Coltrane to be more aware and want to play (not usual for the last many weeks)

and Coltrane the Healed


  1. When you have a group,prayer session, alert us through this blog about the time, so we can join in from wherever we are, too.

  2. No words can express how you've touched my life and so many around you with the love of Jesus. I woke up today praying that God would take good care of little Coltrane (which I know He's doing), for his healing according to God's good and perfect will, for his mommy and daddy, brother, grandparents, extended family and friends… that you would all experience the peace that surpasses all understanding. Thanking God for His PROMISES to never leave you or forsake you. HE'S THERE~!!! HE CARES~!!! And little Coltrane is feeling HIS love and comfort. Continuing to keep you all in my prayers~!!!

  3. My church and family are praying for you daily. Your story is touching people everywhere. You have let so many people see into your painful, hopeful, amazingly courageous life. I pray for Coltrane to be completely healed, but also for God to surround you with love and hold your family in his arms. Thank you for sharing your precious family with me through your updates.

  4. Prayers for Coltrane and your family# believe

  5. Dear Friends, I heard today that little Coltrane went home to Jesus. My heart is heavy for all of you who love him so much. I just wanted to say something that could help comfort you, and yet I realize that nobody but Jesus can do that. Your sweet little son is now in His arms, and he is so happy. But I know the tears will flow from you because you miss him so much. Jesus understands and He has given you His promise that all is well with sweet little Coltrane…. "to be absent from the body and present with the Lord~!!!" "Casting all your care upon Him, for HE CARES FOR YOU~!!!" Praying for all of you tonight with the love of Jesus~!!!

  6. We were so sad to hear Coltrane has left you but comforted to know he is whole with the Lord. Thank you for allowing us to know your family and lifting you up to our gracious God.

  7. A prayer from your neighbor...

    "Lord, it is so hard for us to understand. We know Coltrane is finally healed and in your presence, running free without pain. Remind us in our tears that one day there will be no more tears. Embrace those who hurt the deepest. Give the right words to those who try to comfort. May your glory be found in this sadness."

  8. My heart is broken for you and I'm praying that God will continue to be your strength. Rejoicing at the same time that your sweet son isn't hurting but celebrating with our Savior. Sending our love and prayers.

  9. Prayers, hugs, and tears. Please find that hope once again. Hope that you can go on without Coltrane with you physically. He will always be a part of you and will be with you as you rebuild your lives. Hope that he will send you little signs that he is happy. Hope that your love can endure this incredible pain. Hope that one day you will be reunited again. Hold on to it tightly.
