Saturday, December 12, 2015

Celebration of Coltrane's Life

"If you have a free one hour of time, please watch Coltrane's celebration of life service. It meant the world to us to have so many friends and family attend his service. It feels like we poured our hearts and souls into planning it and want others to share it with. I was so proud of how it turned out and felt like it was a perfect celebration of Coltrane."

Thank you!



  1. It was beautiful. You both gave so much love to Coltrane and enjoyed his being fully. Thank you for sharing Your love and joy for him with us at the service. We love you.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing his service. We were miles away in South Florida and still able to share in this lovely celebration of memories, pictures and a great message of truth! May God be near -- we love you guys and the life you gave sweet and brave little Coltrane. You are truly an example to us.

  3. It was a beautiful service. Watched it twice. Cried the first time had to see what I missed the second time.

  4. It was a beautiful service. Watched it twice. Cried the first time had to see what I missed the second time.
