Sunday, August 9, 2015

Praise and Prayer

Hello everyone!

We apologize for not keeping you up to date, as we have been so very home!!!!  Yay!  

First off, we want to praise God for helping us financially.  We were getting pretty stressed as we've seen our bank account going lower and lower each month.  And thinking of another year where Sonja isn't able to go to work was overwhelming us.  We received information that someone had left a donation at our church's office.  We were very surprised and in complete awe of the generosity and care that people are continuing to show us, even after a year of treatment.  Thank you so much.  I really want to know who it was, but I'm so glad I don't.  They will benefit greatly in Heaven, which is so much better than here on Earth.  We could not even thank them anyway, due to the language barrier of our mouths and our Spirits.  It goes to show that God WILL provide.  We must trust Him all the time.

During the last couple of weeks, my brother Christopher and his family were able to come here from Seattle to hang out with us and have so much fun together.  My brother and I are extremely close and it was much needed to see our dear sister-in-law and our sweet nephew and adorable nieces.  Chris and I wrestled in the pool for about half an hour.  We are still currently, evenly matched.  Although if you ask me, I dunked him one more time than he did.   Hee hee.  

Tonight, we are headed to OKC for another (last in-patient) hospital stay for one week.  He will be receiving MAB (antibodies).  We expect pain from this and possible fever.  At the end of this week we are excited to report that he will get his Broviac (central lines) out on Friday!  This will mean normal baths, and swimming for him during the last few weeks of summer.  Also no more weekly visits from our home health care nurse (she was nice, but it always was terrible watching Coltrane scream his head off while she changed his dressing).  This is another tangible sign that we are headed toward the end of treatment.  There are only two more months of treatment at home after this week.

Please pray for:
Coltrane to be completely cured for life
Him to not have any fever or pain
For the doctors to find time to read about the new treatment that is available now
Guidance from the Spirit about further treatment of Coltrane
Me to be able to multi-task school, work, family, and hospital stuff
Coltrane's Broviac surgery to go extremely well.
For all the little children in our unit and hospital who need so much care and attention

and Coltrane the giddy (as of right now)

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