Friday, May 8, 2015

A light in the dark world

Hello friends and family,

Things have been going very well lately.  We've had two whole weeks of radiation for the spots they found on his femur (not new cancer thank God).  He doesn't seem to be affected by it hardly at all, if any.  We've been enjoying the time together when we are.  Coltrane gets done at around 8:30am every day, so the rest of the day is fun times for us!  We've gotten to go on a river boat cruise, see the National Cowboy Museum, the Myriad Gardens, and received lots of play time together.  Tomorrow is Coltrane's final day of radiation!  We are so excited to be done with this part of his treatment.  Thank you for your prayers.

Next up, is two weeks chalk full of Immunotherapy.  Week one will be a treatment that he's not had before and week two will be the antibodies that he's had before plus the new one.  This is expected to be very rough on his body, mostly pain, nausea, and fever.  After that, we will be at home for a a couple of weeks most likely.  

We are doing well for the most part.  We are always having to rely on God for help, as we do anyway.  In one way, it's nice to be with other families who are going through the same sort of experience with their children, at the Korral.  But it's very hard to see those same people delivering bad news about their children.  Satan uses this to distract us and bait us into worrying and not trusting God.  

Please pray for us to focus on what God is doing through us, to not be distracted by worry and things of the world.  Pray for us to be encouraged and strengthened by His Spirit.  We know God is with us and that He is good.  Pray for us to be lights in this dark world, and to ALWAYS trust God and His perfect plan.  Please pray that we will all see things from His perspective, and not our own disillusioned one.  

Please pray for:
Coltrane to be completely healed
No future side effects from radiation
Immunotherapy will go super smoothly, and not have any lingering fevers
We will be able to all make Sonja's brother's wedding in Boston in June
Our patience, trust, faithfulness to grow exponentially
To be awesome and consistent parents
The next scans (a few weeks from now) to show NO signs of cancer

Thank you family.  We love you all.  We appreciate your prayers and encouragement and understanding.  God is truly working through you in so many ways.  We love you.

and Coltrane the Chatterbox (He is saying SO many words and multi-word sentences.

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