Saturday, May 23, 2015

Going home.........NOT!

Hey all,

We were so excited to hear that we were being discharged this morning.  After two weeks in the hospital, it is very sweet to hear those words.  I was packed the entire van full of two plus weeks of the stuff we had to bring (both from the apartment at the Kid's Korral and the hospital).....only to find out that Coltrane has excess fluids coming out of his G-Tube area.  It normally leaks a little bit, but that's normal.  The stomach produces lots of fluids and such so it usually isn't a lot or anything.  But this time it was A LOT of fluid.  And the color was off.  The doctors want to keep him overnight.  They will take an x-ray to see if there are any obstructions.  If there are, that would require surgery right away.  There is a 5% chance that there is a blockage.  We will know results soon.  Our poor little son has been through SO much these past two weeks.  We hate to see him in such agony.  We haven't seen him smile in days.........but he will again!!!

Please pray for:

Coltrane to not be in any more pain
There to be ZERO blockages of any kind
The abdominal leak will cease
We will be going home tomorrow.
Our morale to increase......weariness creeps at our door

Thank you so much for praying for us.  We need it, desperately.  I am beyond annoyed to say the least.  But I must think about it in a way that is not from my perspective.  I'll try my best to see it from God's eyes.  We are so glad we caught it before we got home.  That would've been really terrible.  He is in good hands and there is a reason we are still here.  

In God we trust,

and Coltrane the Man

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