Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Update and loving prayers!

Hey friends,

Coltrane is doing very poorly.  He feels terrible and is retaining a lot of fluid.  They will give him meds to help with the fluid release.  His fever is still very high.  His fever is around 106 so you can imagine how that must feel.  His pain is being handled well though.  The doctors are basically saying that we just need to ride it out.  These symptoms and everything are going as expected.  But it is hard, very hard to watch and do absolutely nothing.  Which is actually a relief due to the fact that we must solely rely on God Himself to handle our young son.  Tomorrow is the last day of his MAB (antibodies, which is the painful part), and IL2 will end Friday morning (causes the fever).

Please pray for:

Coltrane to rest
Fluids to be discharged
Coltrane to feel God's presence
Our family's moral
Fever to go away
Immunotherapy to be successful
Wisdom for the doctors and nurses
No infections to occur

Thank you so much for praying for us.  We love you all so much.

and Coltrane the Feverish

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